연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (I)
발표장 302호
논문코드 1O11-14
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 16:55-17:10
논문제목 Effect of Side-Chain Structure on Crystallinity of Alkyl Acrylate Polymers for Middle Distillate Flow Improver
발표자 김상완
발표자 소속 서울대학교
저자 김상완, 백지훈1, 홍동기, 김우현2, 정광섭, 이종찬
소속 서울대학교; 1한국화학연구원; 2(주)신일
논문초록 Diesel has a higher boiling point than gasoline and has many carbon-rich features. Also, since the content of paraffin is high, wax crystals precipitate as the temperature of the winter season falls, resulting in problems such as clogging the filter of the automobile or significantly reducing the fluidity of the fuel. Herein, new comb-like polymers which have paraffin-like alkyl side chain moieties are synthesized from 3-pentadecylphenol, a cardanol derivative, and applied to middle distillate flow improver (MDFI). Also, some polymers containing the similar length alkyl side chains (carbon number = 14, 15, 16) were synthesized and analyzed thermally and chemically. The hundreds ppm of these polymers can improve the cold properties of diesel by co-crystallization with the paraffin wax. As a result, PPDPA is highly effective on the cold properties. Also, in the DSC analysis, we found that PPDPA exhibits different crystalline behavior compared to other polyacrylates.